Thursday, October 1, 2015

Post 3: A day to remember

Today I'm going to talk to you about a remarkable day to me. In May 2012 my little cousin was born. If you ask me about a day to remember, now I can only think about that special day. There's probably another days very important for me too (as the born of my sister, the day when I entered to the University, etc.) but that day was really special and I remember it with so much love because now she is like my little sister. While my aunt was pregnant, me and my family were so excited and anxious about the baby because she (or he) was going to be the first baby in so many years at the family. We couldn't wait, we were so anxious.

In May 29th, after a entire night waiting, Josefa was born and she makes us so happy. I can't even explain that. We were waiting at the clinic with my mom and grandmom, we were so tired but when the doctor said to us that everything was OK, we jumped of happiness. After a couple hours, we finally could see her. She was so tiny, beautiful and red jajaj. I remember that my auntie was really tired but her eyes were full of love. Since that day, this little girl is one of the most important persons to me.